Linda Longstaff

Topanga arrived just over a week ago to be my partner in Training at the Tom Rose School and my Business partner later for Pet Obedience. So far she is instantly answering to her name, watching my face closely, and following 6 purely verbal commands: Sit, Come (with a sit-front), Speak, “Go to your room” (go in the crate), “Free” which means she can exit the crate, and No! She is an extremely compliant, happy, and confident puppy. There are 15 other students in the course with puppies of their own and she is one of the top two in our class already! I’ve had to get permission and private training with the Instructors because she’s advancing so quickly I have to teach her ahead of the usual program! I couldn’t be more satisfied with this bundle of fur, and can hardly believe my luck. Thank you again Kym for doing such an amazing job and for getting this girl in my life! Topanga’s happiness is utterly contagious, and her motivation to learn is inspiring.

Linda Longstaff

Ecstatic new “Momma”